Tuesday 21 July 2020

Sky diving narrative

Skydiving fun 

on a fun day isi,havea,and saia were going to Skydiving when the got there they meet a guy name james he was instructor we were kind of scared but we were confident so they put  on jumpsuits, goggles helmets and harness. So they buddy up with a partner. The buddies were Havea and Jack, Isi and James, and Saia and Sake. Everybody was getting to know their buddy before the jumped out the plane. There was 5 minutes left before they jumped. They were excited and nervous at the same time.

 Soon the 5 minutes was up, and Havea and Jack got ready to jump out first. When they jumped off, Jack fainted and Havea got scared. So he remembered his training, he turned around to face Jack and pulled the handle to release the parachute. But then another tragedy! It didn’t pop out! So he pulled it again even harder, and finally it came out. Havea was still feeling scared and finally Jack woke up. Jack said “what happened?” and then Havea passed out. 

The second to jump out the plane was Saia and Sake. When they jumped out, it was all okay. Saia wasn’t afraid, but Sake was. Sake realised he had peed his pants! Saia told Sake to pull the handle, but he was freaking out and rocking back and forth. Then Saia pulled it instead. The parachute popped out into the air. Saia looked up and realised there was a big hole in it! The parachute was shaking very hard and was out of control. Saia unclipped the broken parachute from his harness, and pulled the handle for the reserve shoot. The canopy opened up and all was well.

 Isi and James had finally jumped out the plane. Isi went to pull the handle and realised he wasn’t even wearing a parachute. “What? Where did it go?” he yelled. He looked up and saw it flying all by itself in the air. “It must have come off when we jumped” he screamed to James. James tried to reach for it, but he couldn’t quite reach it. They started swimming through the air towards it. They looked down and realised with a panic they were nearly at the ground.

 Havea and Jack were gliding through the air with their parachute when they saw Isi and James freefalling. They were trying to go towards the falling boys, but out of nowhere they saw a flash and all of a sudden Isi and James were gone. Isi and Saia were confused. “Who are you?”, “Am I dead?”. They realised Superman was holding them both by the hand and flying them to the ground. Superman left straight away after dropping them off and got headshot as he flew away. Isi and James were on the ground safe and sound. When they looked up, they saw Jack and Havea gliding towards the ground. When Jack landed on the ground, he hit the ground so hard that he died instantly of brain damage. Havea, who was on the front, survived. Saia and Sake were getting closer to the ground, but their parachute got caught in a tree. They were hanging dangerously over a cliff. The Flash came out of nowhere and pulled them safely to the ground. As flash ran away, he let off some diarrhea and died a few minutes later. 

  All the friends were hungry so they went to eat at In-n-Out.. All except for Sake, who was passed out on the ground where Flash left him. 


  1. wow Isi that was a really good story and you have achieve your goals and you have written at least one paragraph.

  2. next time use punctuation, but you had 6 paragraphs nice keep it up.

  3. I really liked the way you used lots of paragraphs maybe next time you could use more dialogues

  4. Next time proofread your story and put more punctuation but good story bro!


  6. i have achieved my goal.

  7. next time i have to work by myself
